- Most interesting fact about myself: A tornado wrecked the house my family and I lived in, when I was five. My dad had to dig me out from underneath debris and sheet rock.
- My husband and I've been married six years, no kids but we have a basset hound named Banjo, he's the cutest thing ever. We both have a slight aversion to babies.
Banjo |
- Living in the midwest I love saying that I have a friend from Russia-she lives here, not some crap where I talk to her online.
- Nothing makes me happier than doing something nice for someone (typical Libra).
Sleeping yet? Me too! I'll make this quick and painless.....
- I still consider my dad my best friend.
- I met my husband riding the bus to school. He became one of my best friends after I transferred from catholic school to public. He liked me, but I thought of him as 'just a friend' until we were 20.
- So I guess that makes me catholic....even though I haven't been to church in years. Even when I lived at home, my parents thought I was going to church Sunday mornings, but I'd actually park somewhere and drink a cappuccino and read the paper for an hour.
- Before college, I had big dreams of moving away and becoming a film director or screenwriter. Then my sister had my niece and I fell in love at first sight. So I guess I'll just settle for blogging. ;)
I made one twitter follower after posting my first blog, I thought I'd include my link: https://twitter.com/_sleepysmile
And yes, I know there's a gadget to add it to my blog. Thanks for reminding me.