Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Background check

Seeing that I probably won't have time to blog tomorrow, why not post another blog tonight? At the end of my last blog, I promised background info on yours truly. Not that I have anything particularly interesting about myself, but let's see where this goes.
  • Most interesting fact about myself: A tornado wrecked the house my family and I lived in, when I was five. My dad had to dig me out from underneath debris and sheet rock.
  • My husband and I've been married six years, no kids but we have a basset hound named Banjo, he's the cutest thing ever. We both have a slight aversion to babies.
  • Living in the midwest I love saying that I have a friend from Russia-she lives here, not some crap where I talk to her online.
  • Nothing makes me happier than doing something nice for someone (typical Libra).

Sleeping yet? Me too! I'll make this quick and painless.....

  • I still consider my dad my best friend.
  • I met my husband riding the bus to school. He became one of my best friends after I transferred from catholic school to public. He liked me, but I thought of him as 'just a friend' until we were 20.
  • So I guess that makes me catholic....even though I haven't been to church in years. Even when I lived at home, my parents thought I was going to church Sunday mornings, but I'd actually park somewhere and drink a cappuccino and read the paper for an hour.
  • Before college, I had big dreams of moving away and becoming a film director or screenwriter. Then my sister had my niece and I fell in love at first sight. So I guess I'll just settle for blogging. ;)
And...I'm done. If you're not totally nauseated by now, I applaud you.

I made one twitter follower after posting my first blog, I thought I'd include my link:
And yes, I know there's a gadget to add it to my blog. Thanks for reminding me.

I choose Twitter over you

     Two weeks ago, I joined Twitter, and today I decided the next logical step includes blogging. I had a blog on Myspace...five years ago, and I felt like I was the funniest fucker ever. At one point, I had over 4,200 views and plenty of subscribers. I was even offered a position working for a local radio station. Albeit, it wasn't to be an on air DJ, but still. Three years ago, I deleted my Myspace account and moved onto Facebook. I wrote one measly blog, and that was about it. When 30-40 friends are family, and the rest of your 'friends' being people you actually know, you have to edit what you say. Besides, Facebook just isn't doing it for me anymore. Since when did Facebook become a site where your 'friends' (acquaintances you haven't said more than a sentence to, or former friends you haven't talked to in 10 years) try selling you crap, i.e. weight loss shakes, scrapbooking materials? And has anyone else noticed that Facebook should be called 'Mommy Central?' The majority of status updates have to do with their kids, or giving and receiving advice on a colicky baby. Maybe this will come in handy for me one day, but right now the only response they get out of me is an eye roll.

     So anyway, Twitter. I'm slowly getting the hang of it...the crowd is more intellectual than Facebook. So I am trying to cut out the cutesy stuff, and appeal more to this type of audience. Ever since I joined, I've had the hardest time writing my bio. Obviously, I want to write all the cool stuff about me, but you only have 160 characters to work with, and I'm not that cool. I've changed it numerous times, (3 times yesterday) and right now I have: "I'm competitive when it comes to board games and pilates class." I'm trying to show that I'm into old school games, fitness, and have a sense of humor, because who's really competitive in Pilates class? Well, me...but that's because I'm flexible and the rest of the Other bios included my interests of: gaming, working out, baking, coffee, dogs, being an avid quoter of Will Ferrell movies, disc golfing.....blah, blah, blah. But my twitter profile pic conveys that I disc golf, and my background has a scene from the nes game, The Legend of Zelda, so I'm obviously a badass mofo.  

     So that's my first lackluster blog. The next one I write will have more background info on myself, so my nonexistant audience can get an idea of who I actually am. Boring.