Friday, April 6, 2012

Follow me, to the sea

According to my stats most people have read my Twitter/Facebook blog, apparently that's what my fellow bloggers/stalkers are into. Makes me want to include the labels 'Twitter' and 'Facebook' on everything I write. In turn, I'll get more readers which may turn into more followers....right? No? Oh, you're thinking about skipping ahead to the next blog because this one is pointless? But maybe the purpose of this blog will be so kick ass, you won't even read this paragraph to lead into my topic...I can say thing like- I'm such a dumbass or Lisa majored in English but doesn't know how to punctuate sentences correctly, much less know how to spell punctuate...oh wait, I did spell that right.

I just learned that Fridays on Twitter are referred to as 'follow Fridays.' Apparently this is an initiative for lazy twitterers to follow others, in the hope that others will follow them? Or is this an event for those who already have thousands of followers? And how in the hell do they have that many when they're non-celebrities? Or maybe in the Twitter universe they are their own mind. I have a measly 34 followers, and I'm surprised I actually have that many, but why do I always have to be the one to follow first? I'm not fucking cool enough? Or do people visit my profile and find my tweets a snooze fest?

Guaranteed that out of the 61 people I follow, some of them have lamer tweets than me. I do try to follow those that have something in common with me. I've been adding those who are creative, funny, writers, bakers, or mention something about gaming. But I follow those follow me....isn't that an unspoken law in Twitterland? Then you're free to delete them when they post every frickin' 30 minutes, or retweet every fucking thing, no matter how unfunny or retarded it is.

What's Good Friday today, for those who celebrate Easter, or those who don't celebrate Easter but have a sweet government job where they're off today and Easter Monday. Why is it called Easter Monday anyway? Why can't it be Good Monday? Because we all know a Good Monday doesn't exist until the end of the workday? I was raised Catholic, so apparently I should know these things.
So, if I don't blog this weekend, I hope you 'all' (in quotations because I'm being ironic) have a great Easter. My family is having lunch that day and guess who gets to bring dessert? lol And who knows what the fuck my husband's family is doing. His parent's are divorced and you'd think they'd have their shit together when it comes to holidays, but we usually get a call that day to come over to one of their houses, or I have to whip up dinner at the last minute.


  1. I am still adjusting to Twitter...I have been tagged in a couple of "follow Fridays" tweets and had no idea what they were. I am still easing into Twitter, though it's definitely an upgrade over FB in my opinion.

    Have a good Holiday weekend!!

  2. I am starting to like Twitter. :-)

  3. I'm catching onto Twitter. Sometimes it's confusing, but I like being able to post whatever I want and not have to worry about my family members reading they would on Facebook.
