Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Twitter reunion

I've noticed a lot more people have checked out my blog, thanks to Twitter, so I should write something new for you guys to read, right?

Twitter's been....interesting. I have way more followers than I thought possible. It was like pulling teeth trying to get more than 30, for awhile. I love when people tell me how funny I am and I've had a few compliments about my looks. One guy said that our mouths would be best friends, and even typing this makes me want to laugh at that line. I have tried following more girls, but they don't follow back as often. Another thing I noticed, whenever I follow someone from my state, they never follow back.... pricks.

Anyway enough about fucking Twitter already. Geez....it's like I have nothing else going on in my life. (Not really.) SO........

Right now, I keep getting email notifications from Facebook, so annoying, but I have to check my phone when I see it blinking. I did tweet that the red light flashing on my BB has the same effect on me as giving Jessica Rabbit a rose on the nes game 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' but apparently nobody played that game and didn't get the joke. (She comes running when you lay a rose down.....and eventually you get to talk to her, which helps you in the game.)

My 10 year reunion is the end of June, and the 'popular kids' keep adding photos to this Facebook group and that's why I keep getting damn notifications. Never mind, that most of these pictures were taken after HS and seem pointless to add to a group dedicated to us at 18. I feel like scanning in some of my pictures, just to spite them, but that seems like too much work. I didn't even want to go to the stupid thing, but my hubs does. I think it's because he looks like a man now. ;) He didn't have much confidence back then, but he lost weight, stopped dyeing his hair yellow (seriously) and looks so much more handsome (and sexy.) Oh, did I ever mention we graduated together? (Go ahead and look back at my old posts, I'll wait here.......) Well, we did. People assume we were 'High School Sweethearts' (barf) but we weren't. Just friends. Then he moved away, I didn't see him for a few months and then BAM. (Sound of me getting hit over the head with a club.) Eventually, he moved back, I made out with other guys, but finally I got my shit together. We were fooling around for awhile until I asked him if 'we were dating or what' and the rest is history.

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